Review Requests

Current status of review requests:

Print/ebook requests: Closed until further notice. 

Audiobook: Closed for a bit – because Audiobook Explosion. 

Hi! I do take review requests! Provided that I am openly accepting requests, I’d be happy to accept an eARC, digital copy (ebook or kindle version), or audiobook of your book in exchange for a review. I can usually fit 5-10 or so books in a month, depending on the month. I usually read books that I’m given in a first-come-first serve basis, but this sometimes varies. I try my best to prioritize them that way, but sometimes things get shuffled around based on my own personal preferences/long-awaited book releases/looming library return dates/phases of the moon.

So, if it takes me a few months to get to your book, sorry. If I’ve communicated that I will read it with intent to review, I will try my very best to get to it. Sometimes it takes 3 days, sometimes 3 months, sometimes longer. Sometimes a lot longer. But I’ll get there. ^_^

As for audiobooks, I can listen to them while I work, so if your book is in audio and you’d prefer I get to it sooner, that’s usually the way to go, because my audio review queue is usually much smaller and I can prioritize it a little better.

I prefer fantasy (and its many subgenres), science fiction (and its also many subgenres), and romance (and its billion subgenres), but depending on the story offered, I can sometimes be convinced to deviate. I read everything from horror to mysteries and more… though if any of these things also include a bit of fantasy, that makes them even better. I do review anthologies and short stories as well. No non-fiction though, please.

While it doesn’t happen overly often, if I don’t like your book, and decide not to finish it, I’ll usually email you and tell you that and then just remove it from my shelves. I don’t usually review books that I don’t finish (unless I am expected to review it regardless) and we can’t all love every book. I have been known to dislike books. It doesn’t happen super often, but when it does, it sure does. It uh… yeah, it sure does.

I cross post my reviews to goodreads, amazon and/or audible. I’m even a top contributor for fantasy books on amazon. Wowza, right?

Finally, you may request a review and I might just say no, even if my review requests are open. There are lots of reasons this might happen. You might have been rude to a friend of mine. You might have a vastly different view of the world than I do and are rather vocal about it on twitter. I might just not like the sound of your book. There are a lot of reasons…. so I reserve the right to decline requests at my own discretion. 😀

Anyway, if you’re interested, I can be reached via my little form here. I’m good about answering most emails within a day or so (but if review requests for the format you are requesting are closed, which is very obvious from the big letters at the top of this page, I might ignore you, because at that point, you ignored me first ^_^):

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